Nicholas I, Patriarch of Constantinople

Nicholas I, Patriarch of Constantinople


By: R. J. H. Jenkins, L. G. Westerink

Publication date: April 2018
ISBN: 9780884024439

Patriarch Nicholas I was a major influence in Byzantine domestic and foreign affairs in the tenth century. His correspondence with his clergy and foreign courts is a historical source of the first importance.

Title information

Next to Photius and Michael Cerularius, Nicholas I is probably the most prominent of the patriarchs of Constantinople. He was the central figure in the “tetragamy” affair, the conflict over Leo VI’s fourth marriage, which divided the Church for nearly a century and resulted in Nicholas’s temporary deposition. He was also a major influence in both the domestic and foreign politics of the Eastern Empire throughout the first quarter of the tenth century. His correspondence with the Papal court and with Bulgarian, Caucasian, and Arab provinces, as well as with his own clergy, is a historical source of the first importance.

This volume is supplemented by Nicholas I, Patriarch of Constantinople: Miscellaneous Writings (CFHB XX, DOT VI).

Pages: 672
Language: Greek; English
Publisher: Dumbarton Oaks, Trustees for Harvard University
Edition: 1st Paper
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R. J. H. Jenkins

R. J. H. Jenkins (1907–1969) was Professor of Byzantine History and Literature, Harvard University, and Director of Byzantine Studies Emeritus, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

L. G. Westerink

L. G. Westerink (1913–1990) was Emeritus Professor of Classics, State University of New York at Buffalo.

These two volumes contain all the extant writings of a great Byzantine churchman, politician, and author of the first quarter of the tenth century.